Journal Articles

To innovate or not - Exploring Individual antecedents of innovative thinking among Indian Bureaucrats

Co Authors - Dr. Mohd. Shadab Danish & Prof. Girish Balasubramanian
Wiley Online Library. First published: 11 November 2023

Portfolio risk and stress across the business cycle

Sandip Chakraborty , Ram Kumar Kakani, Aravind Sampath
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. Volume 80, September 2022, 101623

Stock markets and economic uncertainty: Roles of legislative sessions and coalition strength

Avinash Ghalke Rudra Sensarma , Sandip Chakraborty, Ram Kumar Kakani
European Journal of Political Economy. Volume 78, June 2023, 102353

Knowledge hiding as a coping response to the supervisors’ dark triad of personality: A protection motivation theory perspective

Prakriti Soral, Surya Prakash Pati, Ram Kumar Kakani
Journal of Business Research. Volume 142, March 2022, Pages 1077-1091

An investigation of moderating factors prior to the commencement of mandatory rotations in India

Jadiyappa Nemiraja, Emily L. Hickman, Ram Kumar Kakani, & Qambar Abidi, (2021)
Managerial Auditing Journal, Forthcoming, DOI 10.1108/MAJ-12-2020-2957

Recognizing Innate Transformational Traits in Public Administrative Services: Are We Doing Right?

Gaurav Marathe & Ram Kumar Kakani (2020)
International Journal of Public Administration, 43:7, 587 598, DOI: 10.1080/01900692.2019.1644518

Images in this section are from my Professional Life and Life at LBSNAA collections.

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