What's New!

Latest site updates


May 2024

Homepage, and all sections' landing pages are redesigned with new colour scheme and content.

April 2023

August 2021

Site is redesigned with new colour scheme.

July 2019, April 2020

Faculty Page link is updated throughout the site to reflect my recent move to IIMK from XLRI.

March 2017

The design of the website is completely revamped to accommodate mobile browsing.

  • Content is as well updated to demonstrate my recent Professional endeavours.

  • Resources section is now consolidated to have everything available from one place.

The History of Kakani.net

I am thankful for the many people who have worked hard on this website. It was first set up in 2004, and over the years they have worked hard on this website and helped me maintain it with regular updates.

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Images in this section are from my Professional and Life at LBSNAA collections.

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