Testimonials and Feedback

Praise and Recognition

While my teaching feedback has not been the highest among all the faculty teaching in a term or semester (typically, about 7-8 courses run at the same time at XLRI), yet it has never been the lowest as such.

In that sense, I feel great.

Formal Feedback

I've received an excellent feedback on my EPGP Course for 2020-21 at IIMK.

RKK - Letter of Appreciation

Here is a letter of appreciation on a positive feedback received for my Session on Insights on EMCS - IEEM 2021.

RKK - Letter of Appreciation

Course Feedback

Following is the feedback on my Financial Management courses at XLRI over the years:

Course Name & Year

Feedback on a Scale of 1 to 6
(Poor to Excellent)

Basic Financial Management & 2011 5.13
Basic Financial Management & 2010 5.15 (Highest among all courses of Term / Semester)
Financial Management-II & 2010 4.86 (Highest among all courses of Term / Semester)
Basic Financial Management & 2005 5.61 (Highest among all courses of Term / Semester)
Financial Management-II & 2005 5.24 (Highest among all courses of Term / Semester)
Financial Management-II & 2004 5.70 (Highest among all courses of Term / Semester)
Basic Financial Management & 2004 5.16
Financial Management-I & 2003 5.54 (Highest among all courses of Term / Semester)
Basic Financial Management & 2003 4.88
Financial Management-II & 2002 5.24 (Highest among all courses of Term / Semester)

I've also received an excellent feedback on my Leadership Modules at the LBSNAA. These sessions were taken in Management Development Programme for Senior Officers of Lok Sabha Secretariat.

This was an intensive 3-days Leadership Skills module held during 3-7 June 2013 wherein 2 facilitators were attached with 29 entry level probationary officer trainees.

Among the 12 facilitation teams handling a total of 300 trainees – our team got the best feedback.

RKK - Letter of Appreciation

Verbatim Feedback



My learnings in Essentials of financial accounting helped me a lot in cracking the interview. Especially the project was quite helpful as I took it as a base n build on it learnings of CF, CV and Venturing Lab....This helped me drive my interview well.

Akshay, PGP-BL, IIM-K

We had received our grades for EFFAC the first and I couldn't thank you more ... for all the learnings and giving us an amazing start to our MBA journey. ... just wanted to thank you for everything, we realise now how structured and clear learnings we had in term 1 and how much necessary was that for us!

Xama, EFAAC Course Feedback

After doing your classes, I started investigating my company’s profile as well as my files. I found three mistakes in my company’s file and two mistakes in my file. After reviewing the errors, I have also submitted a tax refund request ... I am delighted to learn something new, thanks to your teaching pattern, which enables me to apply the methods immediately in my day-to-day life.


Thank you Sir, for being such a wonderful teacher, u just have not made an impact on careers, but also the mindset of your students, which is spectacular.

Archana, on behalf of Batch EPGP 12

... the '4 little books' helped in getting off my stigma as it was more consumable and is helping me a lot. I would still not say that I have got a hang of things on top of my head; but I am confident my stigma of numbers is slowly pacifying or at least for FA; and when i look at the book i can correlate on the things being taught even though it fades away after, for which i am working on stalling the memory...

Rajeesh, EPGP13C069

Academic Career

This section chronicles my work so far at IIMR, IIMK, XLRI and LBSNAA along with my sabbaticals. As and when I undertake new adventures in the professional sphere, I shall endeavor to refresh it.

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My Teaching Ambitions

I have been fond of learning... The impression that my teachers and mentors left on me, is the kind of impression I wish to leave on my students.

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Awards and Grants

Awards, Grants, and Honors that I am proud of, which includes popularity of my papers, case publications and accolades towards my other publications.

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Images in this section are from my Professional and Life at LBSNAA collections.
Word cloud images in this page are created on WordArt.com

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